Powerful Word list for “cord”

Word List:

  1. Accord – (noun) an agreement; (verb) to give or grant something to someone; 一致;协议;给予;授予 [əˈkɔːrd]
  2. Discord – (noun) lack of agreement or harmony; (verb) to disagree or be in conflict; 不和;不一致;纷争;争吵 [ˈdɪskɔːrd]
  3. Record – (noun) a written or spoken account of something; (verb) to make a permanent or official document of something; 记录;唱片;打破记录;录制 [ˈrekɔːrd]
  4. Chord – (noun) a group of musical notes played or sung together; (verb) to play or sing musical notes together in harmony; 和弦;和音 [kɔːrd]
  5. Discourage – (verb) to make someone feel less confident or hopeful about something; 使气馁;使沮丧 [dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ]
  6. Accordance – (noun) agreement or conformity with something; 一致;符合 [əˈkɔːrdəns]
  7. Cord – (noun) a thin rope or string; (verb) to bind or tie with a cord; 绳;细绳;电线;系 [kɔːrd]
  8. Concord – (noun) agreement or harmony; 和谐;一致;协调 [ˈkɒnkɔːrd]
  9. Misrecord – (verb) to record something incorrectly or inaccurately; 记录错误;录错 [mɪsˈrekɔːrd]

Similar words:

  1. Accord: conformity, concordance, harmony, unity, agreement
  2. Discord: disharmony, conflict, dissension, strife, contention
  3. Record: document, register, archive, log, chronicle
  4. Chord: harmony, melody, tune, music, concordance
  5. Discourage: dishearten, demoralize, deflate, undermine, dissuade
  6. Accordance: conformity, agreement, harmony, concordance, consistency
  7. Cord: string, rope, twine, wire, cable
  8. Concord: harmony, agreement, unity, accord, concurrence
  9. Misrecord: mistype, misreport, misstate, misconstrue, misrepresent


  1. Accord: disagreement, dissent, nonconformity, discord, conflict
  2. Discord: accord, harmony, agreement, concord, unity
  3. Record: erase, delete, expunge, efface, forget
  4. Chord: discord, disharmony, cacophony, dissonance, unison
  5. Discourage: encourage, embolden, motivate, stimulate, inspire
  6. Accordance: disagreement, nonconformity, inconsistency, variance, conflict
  7. Cord: untie, unfasten, release, free, detach
  8. Concord: discord, disagreement, conflict, disharmony, dissension
  9. Misrecord: record correctly, document accurately, report truthfully, note correctly, register precisely

Sample sentence:

  1. Accord: The two countries finally reached an accord after months of negotiations. (两国经过数月谈判后最终达成了一致)
  2. Discord: The discord between the management and the employees was becoming increasingly evident. (管理层与员工之间的不和正变得越来越明显)
  3. Record: She kept a record of all the expenses incurred during the trip. (她记录下了旅途中所有的花费)
  4. Chord: The choir sang in perfect chord and the audience was enthralled. (合唱团和声完美,观众为之痴迷)
  5. Discourage: I don’t mean to discourage you, but you should be aware of the difficulties you may face. (我不是要泼你的冷水,但你应该知道可能会遇到的困难)
  6. Accordance: The new policy is in accordance with the company’s goals and objectives. (新政策符合公司的目标和目的)
  7. Cord: He tied the package with a cord to ensure it wouldn’t come apart during transit. (他用细绳系好包裹,确保在运输过程中不会松开)
  8. Concord: The concord between the different departments was vital for the success of the project. (不同部门之间的协调对于项目的成功非常关键)
  9. Misrecord: The accountant misrecorded the amount and it caused a discrepancy in the accounts. (会计记录错误的金额,导致账目出现了差异)

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