Powerful Word list for “mit”

Word List:

  1. Commit – to pledge or promise to do something, often involving a sense of duty or obligation. (承诺 chéng nuò) phonetic symbol: kəˈmɪt
  2. Transmit – to send something, usually information or a message, from one person or place to another. (传输 chuán shū) phonetic symbol: trænsˈmɪt
  3. Admit – to confess or acknowledge something to be true, often something unpleasant or embarrassing. (承认 chéng rèn) phonetic symbol: ədˈmɪt
  4. Submit – to yield or give in to someone or something, often under pressure or authority. (提交 tí jiāo) phonetic symbol: səbˈmɪt
  5. Permit – to allow or give permission for something to happen or be done. (允许 yǔn xǔ) phonetic symbol: pərˈmɪt
  6. Emit – to give off or release something, often in the form of gas, light, or sound. (发出 fā chū) phonetic symbol: ɪˈmɪt
  7. Commitment – a promise or pledge to do something, often involving a sense of duty or obligation. (承诺 chéng nuò) phonetic symbol: kəˈmɪtmənt
  8. Admission – the act of confessing or acknowledging something to be true, often something unpleasant or embarrassing. (承认 chéng rèn) phonetic symbol: ədˈmɪʃən
  9. Transmittal – the act of sending something, usually information or a message, from one person or place to another. (传送 chuán sòng) phonetic symbol: trænsˈmɪtl
  10. Remit – to send or transfer money, often as payment or a gift. (汇款 huì kuǎn) phonetic symbol: rɪˈmɪt

Similar words:

  1. Commit – pledge, vow, undertake
  2. Transmit – convey, transfer, communicate
  3. Admit – confess, acknowledge, own up
  4. Submit – yield, surrender, comply
  5. Permit – allow, authorize, sanction
  6. Emit – release, discharge, give off
  7. Commitment – dedication, loyalty, devotion
  8. Admission – confession, avowal, disclosure
  9. Transmittal – transmission, delivery, dispatch
  10. Remit – transfer, send, forward


  1. Commit – break, violate, neglect
  2. Transmit – withhold, keep, retain
  3. Admit – deny, reject, disavow
  4. Submit – resist, oppose, defy
  5. Permit – prohibit, forbid, disallow
  6. Emit – absorb, contain, keep in
  7. Commitment – apathy, indifference, negligence
  8. Admission – denial, concealment, suppression
  9. Transmittal – retention, holding, keeping
  10. Remit – receive, retain, hold onto

Sample sentence:

  1. He vowed to commit himself fully to the project.
  2. The radio station transmits news broadcasts every hour.
  3. After some hesitation, she finally admitted her mistake.
  4. The protestors refused to submit to police demands to disperse.
  5. The museum does not permit photography inside the exhibits.
  6. The factory emits harmful pollutants into the atmosphere.
  7. His commitment to his job is evident in his work ethic.
  8. Her admission of guilt came as a surprise to everyone.
  9. The transmittal of the report was delayed due to technical difficulties.
  10. Please remit the payment by the end of the month.

Sample Essay including the whole word list:

Commitment is an essential aspect of any task or goal that we undertake. When we commit to something, we pledge and vow to fulfill it. It requires a lot of dedication and determination to undertake a commitment, and it is essential to stick to it until the end.

When we commit to something, we transmit a message that we are serious about our intentions. It is important to admit our limitations and be realistic about what we can and cannot do. However, it is equally important to submit ourselves to the challenge and push ourselves beyond our comfort zones.

Sometimes, we may need permission or a permit to emit or transmit something. It is important to follow the rules and regulations and obtain the necessary permits before we undertake any action. It shows our commitment to following the rules and respecting authority.

Admission of our mistakes and shortcomings is also an important aspect of commitment. When we admit our mistakes, we are showing our willingness to learn and improve. It takes courage to admit our faults, but it is an essential step towards growth and development.

When we submit or remit something, we are fulfilling our commitment to completing the task. It is important to ensure that we complete the task to the best of our abilities and transmit the results appropriately.

In conclusion, commitment is an essential aspect of our lives. It requires us to pledge and vow to undertake something and see it through until the end. It involves transmitting our intentions and results, admitting our mistakes and limitations, and obtaining the necessary permits and permissions. It is only when we fulfill our commitments that we can grow and develop into better individuals.







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