Powerful Word list for “pair”

Word List:

  1. Repair – /rɪˈpɛər/ to fix or restore something that is broken or damaged. Chinese: 修理 xiū lǐ (xiu-li)
  2. Despair – /dɪsˈpɛər/ the complete loss or absence of hope. Chinese: 绝望 jué wàng (jue-wang)
  3. Impair – /ɪmˈpɛər/ to weaken or damage something. Chinese: 损害 sǔn hài (sun-hai)
  4. Pair – /pɛər/ a set of two things used together or regarded as a unit. Chinese: 一对 yī duì (yi-dui)
  5. Compare – /kəmˈpɛər/ to estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between things. Chinese: 比较 bǐ jiào (bi-jiao)
  6. Stair – /stɛər/ a set of steps leading from one floor of a building to another. Chinese: 楼梯 lóu tī (lou-tee)
  7. Affair – /əˈfɛər/ an event or sequence of events of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to. Chinese: 事务 shì wù (shi-wu)
  8. Prepare – /prɪˈpɛər/ to make something ready for use or consideration. Chinese: 准备 zhǔn bèi (zhun-bei)

Similar words:

  1. Repair – fix, mend, restore, refurbish
  2. Despair – hopelessness, desperation, distress, sadness
  3. Impair – damage, weaken, harm, undermine
  4. Pair – duo, twosome, couple, dyad
  5. Compare – contrast, measure, weigh, evaluate
  6. Stair – steps, staircase, flight, tread
  7. Affair – matter, issue, event, business
  8. Prepare – get ready, organize, plan, arrange


  1. Repair – Break, damage, destroy, ruin
  2. Despair – Hope, optimism, confidence, joy
  3. Impair – Improve, strengthen, enhance, reinforce
  4. Pair – Odd, single, alone, individual
  5. Compare – Differentiate, contrast, distinguish, separate
  6. Stair – Level ground, flat surface, plain, horizontal
  7. Affair – Non-event, unimportant, trivial, insignificant
  8. Prepare – Neglect, improvise, ignore, disorganize

Sample sentence:

  1. Repair – I need to repair my bike tire because it’s flat.
  2. Despair – She fell into despair when she lost her job and couldn’t pay her bills.
  3. Impair – Drinking alcohol can impair your ability to drive safely.
  4. Pair – The shoes only come in pairs, so I have to buy two of them.
  5. Compare – Can you compare the prices of these two products and tell me which one is cheaper?
  6. Stair – He slipped and fell down the stairs, injuring his leg.
  7. Affair – The company’s financial affair was the subject of much speculation among investors.
  8. Prepare – I need to prepare for my exam by studying hard and reviewing my notes.

Sample Essay including the whole word list:

As a student, it is important to prepare for exams in order to avoid feelings of despair when the results come out. This may involve repairing any damaged study materials or getting new ones, such as textbooks, which may have been impaired due to wear and tear. In order to compare the effectiveness of different study techniques, one should consult with their peers and pair up with a study partner, as they may have valuable insights and tips.

Studying can often feel like climbing a never-ending stairway, with each step requiring more effort and dedication than the previous one. But with each step we take, we get closer to achieving our academic goals. It is important to remember that the journey is just as important as the destination, and we should try to enjoy the process as much as possible.

When it comes to academic affairs, it is important to stay on top of things and not procrastinate. We should treat our studies as a priority and not let them fall by the wayside. With good preparation and organization, we can overcome any challenges that come our way and achieve success.

In conclusion, as students, we need to prepare well for our studies in order to achieve our academic goals. This may involve repairing any damaged study materials, consulting with peers to compare study techniques, and using a study partner to pair up with. We should remember to stay motivated and not fall into despair, even when we encounter challenges. By treating our academic affairs as a priority, we can ensure that we are making the most of our educational journey.





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