Powerful Word list for “tate”

Word List:

  1. Agitate (ˈædʒɪteɪt) – To make someone feel worried or upset; 使焦虑不安, 激动 (Chinese)
  2. Delegate (ˈdelɪɡeɪt) – To give someone else the responsibility of doing something; 委派, 授权 (Chinese)
  3. Facilitate (fəˈsɪlɪteɪt) – To make an action or process easier or more efficient; 促进, 便利 (Chinese)
  4. Ingratiate (ɪnˈɡreɪʃieɪt) – To try to make someone like you by flattering or being nice to them; 讨好, 巴结 (Chinese)
  5. Legislate (ˈledʒɪsleɪt) – To make or enact laws; 立法, 制定法律 (Chinese)
  6. Meditate (ˈmedɪteɪt) – To focus your thoughts on something to achieve a calm and relaxed state of mind; 冥想, 沉思 (Chinese)
  7. Procreate (ˈproʊkriːeɪt) – To produce offspring; 生育, 繁殖 (Chinese)
  8. Regulate (ˈrɛɡjʊleɪt) – To control or maintain something according to a set of rules or standards; 调节, 控制 (Chinese)
  9. Rotate (roʊˈteɪt) – To turn or spin around a central point; 旋转, 转动 (Chinese)

Similar words:

  1. Agitate – Disturb, unsettle, ruffle, perturb
  2. Delegate – Assign, entrust, transfer, hand over
  3. Facilitate – Simplify, expedite, enable, make easy
  4. Ingratiate – Flatter, charm, sweet-talk, curry favor with
  5. Legislate – Enact, establish, decree, ordain
  6. Meditate – Contemplate, reflect, ponder, mull over
  7. Procreate – Reproduce, breed, propagate, generate offspring
  8. Regulate – Govern, manage, control, direct
  9. Rotate – Spin, revolve, turn, pivot


  1. Agitate – Calm, soothe, pacify, tranquilize
  2. Delegate – Retain, keep, hold, take on
  3. Facilitate – Hinder, obstruct, impede, complicate
  4. Ingratiate – Alienate, offend, repel, estrange
  5. Legislate – Repeal, abolish, revoke, nullify
  6. Meditate – Ignore, neglect, disregard, overlook
  7. Procreate – Sterilize, castrate, spay, neuter
  8. Regulate – Neglect, abandon, ignore, deregulate
  9. Rotate – Stabilize, fix, secure, immobilize

Sample sentence:

  1. Agitate – The loud music agitated the baby and made her cry.
  2. Delegate – The manager decided to delegate the task to someone else so that he could focus on other things.
  3. Facilitate – The new software helped to facilitate communication between team members who were working remotely.
  4. Ingratiate – The politician tried to ingratiate himself with the voters by making promises that he couldn’t keep.
  5. Legislate – The government is planning to legislate new laws that will help protect the environment.
  6. Meditate – She liked to meditate in the morning to help clear her mind before starting the day.
  7. Procreate – The animals in the zoo were carefully selected to procreate and help preserve their species.
  8. Regulate – The thermostat is set to regulate the temperature in the room and keep it at a comfortable level.
  9. Rotate – The Earth rotates on its axis, causing day and night to occur.

Sample Essay including the whole word list:

Regulating your emotions is a crucial aspect of maintaining good mental health. It’s not always easy, but with some practice, you can learn to agitate less and calm down faster. One way to facilitate this is through mindfulness meditation, which involves training your mind to focus on the present moment and cultivate a sense of calm. By meditating regularly, you can learn to regulate your emotions and reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.

It’s important to delegate tasks when you can, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed. By entrusting someone else with some of your responsibilities, you can free up time and energy to focus on what’s important. Delegating can also help you to build trust and foster stronger relationships with others.

When you’re trying to ingratiate yourself with others, it’s important to be sincere. Flattery and insincere compliments are unlikely to win you any real friends, and can even backfire by making you seem untrustworthy. Instead, try to focus on finding common ground and building genuine connections with people.

Legislating change can be a slow and difficult process, but it’s necessary to make progress on important issues. By enacting new laws and regulations, we can work to improve society and protect the most vulnerable members of our communities.

When facing difficult decisions or problems, it’s important to take time to meditate and reflect. By contemplating the issue at hand and considering all available options, we can make better choices and avoid impulsive actions.

Procreation is a natural part of life, but it’s important to remember that having children is a major responsibility. By taking steps to prepare for parenthood, we can ensure that we are able to provide our children with the love and support they need to thrive.

Finally, it’s important to rotate your activities and interests regularly to avoid getting stuck in a rut. By exploring new hobbies and experiences, we can stay engaged and interested in life, and avoid the boredom and monotony that can lead to depression and anxiety.

By practicing mindfulness and regulating our emotions, delegating tasks, building genuine connections with others, enacting positive change, meditating, preparing for parenthood, and staying engaged in life, we can live more fulfilling and meaningful lives.









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